Al-Anon/Alateen Ventura County

Help & Hope

You are no longer alone

We who have turned to Al-Anon have often done so in despair, unable to believe in the possibility of change and unable to go on as we have before.

We feel cheated out of a loving companion, overburdened with responsibilities, unwanted, unloved, and alone. There are even those of us who are arrogant, smug, self-righteous and dominating. We come to Al-Anon, however, because we want and need help.

While we may have been driven to Al-Anon by the effects of someone else’s drinking, we soon come to know that our own thinking has to change before we can make a new and successful approach to living.

It is in Al-Anon that we learn to deal with our obsession, our anxiety, our anger, our denial and our feelings of guilt. It is through the fellowship that we ease our emotional burdens by sharing our experience, strength and hope with others.

Little by little, we come to realize at our meetings that much of our discomfort comes from our attitudes. We begin to change these attitudes and learn about our responsibilities to ourselves. We discover feelings of self-worth and love and we grow spiritually.

The emphasis begins to be lifted from the alcoholic and placed where we do have some power—over our own lives.

Reprinted with permission of Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA.

serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.

In the hour of adversity, be not without hope, for crystal rain falls from black clouds.

From Courage to Change pg.48

Bill and Lois W.

In 1914 Lois Burnham, a college-educated woman from an affluent family, meets and falls in love with Bill Wilson, a 19 year old man of modest means. They marry in 1918 and after his return from World War I, the two set out to build a life together. While Lois works as a nurse Bill struggles to find his niche.